This Logistics Firm Wants to Jumpstart Commercial EV Adoption

The total cost of owning an electric vehicle (EV) is actually lower due to reduced fuel and maintenance costs, according to the CEO of Mober.

In celebration of World EV Day, the company held a forum tackling the challenges and opportunities that come with commercial electric vehicle adoption. 

Electric vehicle (EV) ownership is expected to reach 350 million units globally by 2030. Here in the Philippines, there has been significant effort to push for ownership of EVs. In fact, in a bid to encourage more Filipinos to invest in EVs, the government has exempted them from the number coding scheme, or the Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program.  

Mober, which offers green logistics services, is one of the companies here in the country that is pushing for commercial EV adoption. The company held a forum called Leading the Way in Green Logistics: A Forum on Moving Together for a Carbon-Free Philippines on September 9, which also happens to be World EV Day. 

At the forum, members of the government, the private sector, and key enabling organizations came together to discuss key topics related to commercial EV adoption. Panelists included representatives from the Department of Transportation (DOTr), National Development Company (NDC), Starbucks, IKEA Philippines, and Nestle. 

Panel Discussions 

The forum featured two panel discussions whose aim was to provide a deeper understanding of commercial EV adoption. The first panel tackled issues, challenges, and opportunities that come with shifting to commercial EVs. It also discussed how businesses are trying to achieve sustainability through the integration of green logistics into their supply chain operations. 

The panelists agreed that there are challenges that will make shifting to commercial EVs more difficult. However, the panelists likewise agreed that the benefits of making the shift to EVs make it viable for investment. 

The second panel, on the other hand, involved representatives from top brands in the country, who discussed their strategies for achieving their sustainability goals, particularly through green logistics practices. 

How EV Adoption is Beneficial for Businesses

The idea of shifting to EVs can cause a lot of hesitation, particularly for businesses, as there is a prevalent misconception that EVs are expensive and are therefore not practical in the long run. According to Mober Founder and CEO Dennis Ng, this is actually not the case. 

“The total cost of ownership is lower due to reduced fuel and maintenance costs,” the Mober CEO said. “EVs are also reliable and can handle commercial demands just as efficiently as traditional vehicles.”

In addition to this, the Mober CEO pointed out that “Approximately 90% of global supply chains contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making the logistics sector a key driver of climate impact.”

“While there are various factors influencing this, the adoption of commercial electric vehicles (EVs) presents a significant opportunity to reduce GHG emissions,” he added. “By transitioning from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to EVs, companies can not only lower their carbon footprint but also contribute to broader sustainability goals.”

However, it is simply not enough to purchase and use EVs. Ng believes that in order to “achieve meaningful reductions, commercial EVs must be part of a comprehensive strategy that includes optimizing routes, improving energy efficiency, and adopting renewable energy sources for powering the vehicles.” 

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